REST Reference
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- Updated Wednesday August 21, 2024 09:47AM
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API Definitions
Gets a list of Timezones.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
timezones | Array.<Timezone> | The list of valid system Timezones. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number, "timezones": [ { "code": string, "dst": boolean, "name": string, "offset": number } ] }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | System Timezone list could not be retrieved. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
Gets details of the specified Timezone.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
code | string | required | Unique identifier of the Timezone. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
timezone | Timezone | The requested Timezone. |
timezone | codified | Unique timezone code |
timezone | boolean | Indicates whether this timezone abides by daylight savings |
timezone | string | Common timezone name |
timezone | int16 | Minutes offset from GMT |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number, "timezone": { "code": string, "dst": boolean, "name": string, "offset": number } }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a timezone object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The timezone object does not contain a code, or it is invalid. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 62 | The Timezone was not found by its codified identifier. |
GET/assets ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets (when no additional query-string parameters are given) or /companies/{your-company-id}/assets?{keys=values} (when at least one additional query-string key/value is given).
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true will include Asset.messages.. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true will include Asset.tasks.. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Creates a new, or updates an existing Asset.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the Asset parameters. |
asset | Object.<string, AssetAttribute> | optional | Allows you to add, remove, and replace attributes. For each AssetAttribute in the attributes object, the value will be replaced on the Asset. If value is null, the attribute is removed from the Asset. If the key in the attributes object is different from the codified( in the object, the attribute of the key is removed from the Asset, and one of the codified name is added to the Asset. If a new value or null is not provided for a current attribute, no change is made. |
asset | colour maximum-length: 22 | optional | The pretty-pretty colour of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | uint64? | create | The identifier of the Company to which this Asset belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
asset | uint64? | create (for person) | The contact card details for this Asset.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.person. |
asset | double? | optional | The number of hours the engine has been running for this Vehicle.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle. |
asset | uint64? see: | create | The identifier of the Icon used to represent this Asset in the UI. |
asset | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the Asset you want to update. |
asset | AssetType? | create | The kind of Asset being created. After creation, this value is read-only. |
asset | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | optional | A list of codified label names to categorize/organize this Asset. |
asset | string | optional | The manufacturer of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | string | optional | The email address or phone number of this Asset when a Person's Contact card is blank, or the Provider's PND is not installed. |
asset | string | optional | The model of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the Asset. |
asset | string | optional | Notes for the Asset. |
asset | double? | optional | The distance travelled by this Asset. Can be a GPS odometer, OBD-II odometer, or other depending on scripts. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | optional | The identifiers of Pictures of this Asset. |
asset | string | optional | The license plate of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | Object.<string, string> | optional | Name/value collections of custom fields used to refer to external systems. If the value is null, the references are removed from the Asset. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | optional | A list of related asset identifiers like a driver for a Vehicle, or Trailer for a truck. |
asset | string | optional | The manufacturer's identification number of this Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle. |
asset | Array.<string> | optional | Replaces the Asset's status tags with the given list of codified tags. |
asset | Array.<int32> | optional | |
asset | string | optional | The Vehicle Identification Number of this Vehicle.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.trailer. |
asset | uint16? | optional | The year this Vehicle or Trailer was built.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "colour": string, "company": number, "contact": number, "engineHours": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "make": string, "messagingAddress": string, "model": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "plate": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "serial": string, "tags": [ string ], "v": [ number ], "vin": string, "year": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id" and "company" keys. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | No valid changes would be performed. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, a name was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, an icon was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create (for person): When creating a new Person, a contact was not given. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating an Asset, the name was given as null or blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating an Asset, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | During create: The kind value is not a known AssetType. Returns an ErrorDetailEnum as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.attributes names is invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.attributes values is not null or an object. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.attributes object is given, but empty. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.messagingAddress contains values that cannot be parsed as a phone number or email address. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the given in the array cannot be parsed, or is a value less than zero. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.references were not provided as null or an object. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.relationships given in the array cannot be parsed, or is a value less than zero. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, too many asset.references were given as input. Returns an ErrorDetailMinMax as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this Asset. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating an Asset, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | During update: When updating, the Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 22 | One of the Assets given as input in the asset.relationships array was not found. Returns an ErrorDetailBadIds as the errorDetails . |
404 | 31 | The given as input was not found. |
404 | 33 | The asset.icon given as input was not found. |
404 | 69 | One of the given as input in the pictures array was not found. Returns an ErrorDetailBadIds as the errorDetails . |
401 | 71 | During update: Changing the labels on this Asset in the requested way would grant you elevated access to it. Returns an ErrorDetailEscalation as the errorDetails . |
403 | 96 | During update: When updating, the Asset is suspended. Before making changes to an Asset, it must be reactivated. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the can not be changed. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the asset.kind can not be changed. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the resulting number of asset.references would be too high. |
Deletes an existing Asset.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Asset's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/assets/{assetId} ?includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true, the command will also return AssetMessages for the asset. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return the AssetDispatch for the asset. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | Asset | The requested Asset. |
asset | Object.<codified, AssetAttribute> for keys see: | A list of attributes given to this asset by the connection device such as wiring state, VBus, etc. |
asset | uint64 see: | The company to which this asset belongs. |
asset | AssetDispatch | Current jobs dispatched and driving directions. |
asset | uint64 see: | The company to which this asset belongs. |
asset | Array.<DispatchDirection> | Driving directions and route path details. |
asset | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this asset. |
asset | Array.<uint64> see: DispatchJob | The current list of DispatchJobs assigned to the asset. |
asset | datetime | Timestamp from the last update to this AssetDispatch by a User, Machine, Asset, or an assigned DispatchJob. |
asset | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
asset Deprecated | Array.<DispatchTask> | The current list of tasks assigned to this asset. |
asset | by: login, from: monster | |
asset | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
asset | uint64 see: | The icon that represents this asset on the map and in lists. |
asset | uint64 | Unique identifier of this asset. |
asset | AssetType | Type of asset. |
asset | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | Codified label names. |
asset | Array.<AssetMessage> | A list of messages sent to or from this asset. |
asset | string maximum-length: 254 | The fall-back address which is used to send Messages if the asset is a Person and has no Contact phone or email. |
asset | string maximum-length: 100 | This thing's name. |
asset | string | Notes about it. |
asset | double | The cumulative distance travelled in kilometres. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | A list of photos of this thing. |
asset | Object.<uint64, AssetPlaceStatus> for keys see: | The current state of this asset's interaction with known Places. |
asset | Position | The things GPS coordinates including speed, bearing, and street information. |
asset | uint32? | Threshold in meters for the accuracy of a position |
asset | string | The road segment description |
asset | double? | Distance in meters from the sea level |
asset | uint16? | Direction of travel |
asset | datetime | The Date/Time of the GPS reading |
asset | double? | Latitude |
asset | double? | Longitude |
asset | string | Provider Identifier |
asset | double? | Speed |
asset | double? | The posted speed limit for the road segment |
asset | StreetAddress | A better description of the current road-segment |
asset | string | City name. |
asset | string fixed length: 2 | Country code. Codes should be a value from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
asset | boolean | Indicates that there is a toll for the current road segment. |
asset | string | House number. |
asset | string | Postal or zip code. |
asset | string fixed length: 2 | Province or state code. Codes should be a value from ISO 3166-2. |
asset | string | Region name. |
asset | string | Full street name. |
asset | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
asset | Array.<string> for values see: | The list of devices providing events for this asset. |
asset Deprecated | string maximum-length: 100 | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Use asset.references[AssetGeneral.REFERENCE] instead. |
asset | Object.<string, string> maximum-count: 10 maximum-length of keys: 20 maximum-length of values: 100 | Name/value collections of custom fields used to refer to external systems. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | A list of assets related to this one; like a Person for a Vehicle (driver). |
asset | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | The codified status tag names. |
asset | by: login, from: monster | |
asset | Array.<int32> fixed count: 3 | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
asset | int32 | The first element is for the AssetGeneral properties. |
asset | int32 | The second element is for the AssetAdvanced properties. |
asset | int32 | The third element is for the Asset.dispatch properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "dispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messages": [ { "asset": number, "body": string, "company": number, "delivered": string, "folder": string, "from": string, "id": number, "incoming": boolean, "kind": string, "processed": string, "processedUtc": string, "readBy": string, "status": string, "subject": string, "to": string, "updated": { }, "user": string, "v": [ number ] } ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates a new, or updates an existing Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Asset. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the Asset parameters. |
asset | Object.<string, AssetAttribute> | optional | Allows you to add, remove, and replace attributes. For each AssetAttribute in the attributes object, the value will be replaced on the Asset. If value is null, the attribute is removed from the Asset. If the key in the attributes object is different from the codified( in the object, the attribute of the key is removed from the Asset, and one of the codified name is added to the Asset. If a new value or null is not provided for a current attribute, no change is made. |
asset | colour maximum-length: 22 | optional | The pretty-pretty colour of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | uint64? | create | The identifier of the Company to which this Asset belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
asset | uint64? | create (for person) | The contact card details for this Asset.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.person. |
asset | double? | optional | The number of hours the engine has been running for this Vehicle.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle. |
asset | uint64? see: | create | The identifier of the Icon used to represent this Asset in the UI. |
asset | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the Asset you want to update. |
asset | AssetType? | create | The kind of Asset being created. After creation, this value is read-only. |
asset | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | optional | A list of codified label names to categorize/organize this Asset. |
asset | string | optional | The manufacturer of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | string | optional | The email address or phone number of this Asset when a Person's Contact card is blank, or the Provider's PND is not installed. |
asset | string | optional | The model of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the Asset. |
asset | string | optional | Notes for the Asset. |
asset | double? | optional | The distance travelled by this Asset. Can be a GPS odometer, OBD-II odometer, or other depending on scripts. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | optional | The identifiers of Pictures of this Asset. |
asset | string | optional | The license plate of this Vehicle or Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
asset | Object.<string, string> | optional | Name/value collections of custom fields used to refer to external systems. If the value is null, the references are removed from the Asset. |
asset | Array.<uint64> for values see: | optional | A list of related asset identifiers like a driver for a Vehicle, or Trailer for a truck. |
asset | string | optional | The manufacturer's identification number of this Trailer.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle. |
asset | Array.<string> | optional | Replaces the Asset's status tags with the given list of codified tags. |
asset | Array.<int32> | optional | |
asset | string | optional | The Vehicle Identification Number of this Vehicle.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.trailer. |
asset | uint16? | optional | The year this Vehicle or Trailer was built.
Only applicable if asset.kind is AssetType.vehicle or AssetType.trailer. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "colour": string, "company": number, "contact": number, "engineHours": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "make": string, "messagingAddress": string, "model": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "plate": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "serial": string, "tags": [ string ], "v": [ number ], "vin": string, "year": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id" and "company" keys. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | No valid changes would be performed. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, a name was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, an icon was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create (for person): When creating a new Person, a contact was not given. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating an Asset, the name was given as null or blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating an Asset, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | During create: The kind value is not a known AssetType. Returns an ErrorDetailEnum as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.attributes names is invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.attributes values is not null or an object. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.attributes object is given, but empty. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.messagingAddress contains values that cannot be parsed as a phone number or email address. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the given in the array cannot be parsed, or is a value less than zero. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | The asset.references were not provided as null or an object. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the asset.relationships given in the array cannot be parsed, or is a value less than zero. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Asset, too many asset.references were given as input. Returns an ErrorDetailMinMax as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this Asset. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating an Asset, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | During update: When updating, the Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 22 | One of the Assets given as input in the asset.relationships array was not found. Returns an ErrorDetailBadIds as the errorDetails . |
404 | 31 | The given as input was not found. |
404 | 33 | The asset.icon given as input was not found. |
404 | 69 | One of the given as input in the pictures array was not found. Returns an ErrorDetailBadIds as the errorDetails . |
401 | 71 | During update: Changing the labels on this Asset in the requested way would grant you elevated access to it. Returns an ErrorDetailEscalation as the errorDetails . |
403 | 96 | During update: When updating, the Asset is suspended. Before making changes to an Asset, it must be reactivated. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the can not be changed. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the asset.kind can not be changed. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating an Asset, the resulting number of asset.references would be too high. |
Deletes an existing Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Asset's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/assets/{assetId}/advanceds ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the AssetAdvanced. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetAdvanced | AssetAdvanced | The requested Asset. |
assetAdvanced | Object.<codified, AssetAttribute> for keys see: | A list of attributes given to this asset by the connection device such as wiring state, VBus, etc. |
assetAdvanced | uint64 see: | The company to which this asset belongs. |
assetAdvanced | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this asset. |
assetAdvanced | double | The cumulative distance travelled in kilometres. |
assetAdvanced | Object.<uint64, AssetPlaceStatus> for keys see: | The current state of this asset's interaction with known Places. |
assetAdvanced | Position | The things GPS coordinates including speed, bearing, and street information. |
assetAdvanced | uint32? | Threshold in meters for the accuracy of a position |
assetAdvanced | string | The road segment description |
assetAdvanced | double? | Distance in meters from the sea level |
assetAdvanced | uint16? | Direction of travel |
assetAdvanced | datetime | The Date/Time of the GPS reading |
assetAdvanced | double? | Latitude |
assetAdvanced | double? | Longitude |
assetAdvanced | string | Provider Identifier |
assetAdvanced | double? | Speed |
assetAdvanced | double? | The posted speed limit for the road segment |
assetAdvanced | StreetAddress | A better description of the current road-segment |
assetAdvanced | string | City name. |
assetAdvanced | string fixed length: 2 | Country code. Codes should be a value from ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
assetAdvanced | boolean | Indicates that there is a toll for the current road segment. |
assetAdvanced | string | House number. |
assetAdvanced | string | Postal or zip code. |
assetAdvanced | string fixed length: 2 | Province or state code. Codes should be a value from ISO 3166-2. |
assetAdvanced | string | Region name. |
assetAdvanced | string | Full street name. |
assetAdvanced | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
assetAdvanced | Array.<string> for values see: | The list of devices providing events for this asset. |
assetAdvanced | Array.<uint64> for values see: | A list of assets related to this one; like a Person for a Vehicle (driver). |
assetAdvanced | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | The codified status tag names. |
assetAdvanced | by: login, from: monster | |
assetAdvanced | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetAdvanced": { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "id": number, "odometer": number, "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset's advanced details. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/assets/{assetId}/dispatches ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the AssetDispatch. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetDispatch | AssetDispatch | The requested AssetDispatch. |
assetDispatch | uint64 see: | The company to which this asset belongs. |
assetDispatch | Array.<DispatchDirection> | Driving directions and route path details. |
assetDispatch | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this asset. |
assetDispatch | Array.<uint64> see: DispatchJob | The current list of DispatchJobs assigned to the asset. |
assetDispatch | datetime | Timestamp from the last update to this AssetDispatch by a User, Machine, Asset, or an assigned DispatchJob. |
assetDispatch | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
assetDispatch Deprecated | Array.<DispatchTask> | The current list of tasks assigned to this asset. |
assetDispatch | by: login, from: monster | |
assetDispatch | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetDispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset's dispatch details. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/assets/{assetId}/generals ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the AssetGeneral. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetGeneral | AssetGeneral | The requested Asset. |
assetGeneral | uint64 see: | The company to which this asset belongs. |
assetGeneral | uint64 see: | The icon that represents this asset on the map and in lists. |
assetGeneral | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this asset. |
assetGeneral | AssetType | Type of asset. |
assetGeneral | Array.<codified> for values see: LabelStyle.code | Codified label names. |
assetGeneral | string maximum-length: 254 | The fall-back address which is used to send Messages if the asset is a Person and has no Contact phone or email. |
assetGeneral | string maximum-length: 100 | This thing's name. |
assetGeneral | string | Notes about it. |
assetGeneral | Array.<uint64> for values see: | A list of photos of this thing. |
assetGeneral | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
assetGeneral Deprecated | string maximum-length: 100 | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Use asset.references[AssetGeneral.REFERENCE] instead. |
assetGeneral | Object.<string, string> maximum-count: 10 maximum-length of keys: 20 maximum-length of values: 100 | Name/value collections of custom fields used to refer to external systems. |
assetGeneral | by: login, from: monster | |
assetGeneral | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetGeneral": { "company": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "pictures": [ number ], "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset. |
asset | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Asset's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to restore this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 21 | The Asset was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
Revives (disables suspension on) an existing Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset. |
asset | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespSuspended | An object which contains the Asset's unique identifier and suspended status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is suspended. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number, "suspended": boolean, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to revive this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
403 | 97 | The Asset was found, but is not marked as suspended. |
Suspends an existing Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
assetId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset. |
asset | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespSuspended | An object which contains the Asset's unique identifier and suspended status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is suspended. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number, "suspended": boolean, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to suspended this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
403 | 96 | The Asset was not found, but it is already marked as suspended. |
403 | 97 | The Asset was previously revived within the minimum period. Returns an ErrorDetailLocked as the errorDetails . |
GET/assets/advanceds ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/advanceds (when no additional query-string parameters are given) or /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/advanceds?{keys=values} (when at least one additional query-string key/value is given).
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/assets/advanceds ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/advanceds?labels={labels}.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | optional | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/assets/dispatches ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/dispatches (when no additional query-string parameters are given) or /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/dispatches?{keys=values} (when at least one additional query-string key/value is given).
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/assets/dispatches ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/dispatches?labels={labels}.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | optional | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/assets/generals ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/generals (when no additional query-string parameters are given) or /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/generals?{keys=values} (when at least one additional query-string key/value is given).
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/assets/generals ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets/generals?labels={labels}.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | optional | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Revives (disables suspension on) an existing Asset.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset. |
asset | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespSuspended | An object which contains the Asset's unique identifier and suspended status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is suspended. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number, "suspended": boolean, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to revive this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
403 | 97 | The Asset was found, but is not marked as suspended. |
Suspends an existing Asset.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
asset | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset. |
asset | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "asset": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespSuspended | An object which contains the Asset's unique identifier and suspended status. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
asset | boolean | Flag showing if the object is suspended. |
asset | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number, "suspended": boolean, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to suspended this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
403 | 96 | The Asset was not found, but it is already marked as suspended. |
403 | 97 | The Asset was previously revived within the minimum period. Returns an ErrorDetailLocked as the errorDetails . |
GET/assets ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/assets?labels={labels}.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true will include Asset.messages.. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true will include Asset.tasks.. |
labels | string | optional | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true, the command will also return AssetMessages for the asset. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true, the command will also return the DispatchTasks for the asset. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assets | Array.<Asset> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assets": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "dispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messages": [ { "asset": number, "body": string, "company": number, "delivered": string, "folder": string, "from": string, "id": number, "incoming": boolean, "kind": string, "processed": string, "processedUtc": string, "readBy": string, "status": string, "subject": string, "to": string, "updated": { }, "user": string, "v": [ number ] } ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets ?{keys=values} ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number&{keys=values}
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if one of the specified Asset.references fields match.
If no references are specified, it will match any Asset with no references.
If a reference value is null, it will match any Asset without that reference key.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true, the command will also return AssetMessages for the asset. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true, the command will also return the DispatchTasks for the asset. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assets | Array.<Asset> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
references | Object.<string, string> | The reference string given as input. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assets": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "dispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messages": [ { "asset": number, "body": string, "company": number, "delivered": string, "folder": string, "from": string, "id": number, "incoming": boolean, "kind": string, "processed": string, "processedUtc": string, "readBy": string, "status": string, "subject": string, "to": string, "updated": { }, "user": string, "v": [ number ] } ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "references": { string: string }, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The references is not an object, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/advanceds ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetAdvanceds | Array.<AssetAdvanced> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetAdvanceds": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "id": number, "odometer": number, "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/advanceds ?{keys=values} ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number&{keys=values}
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if one of the specified Asset.references fields match.
If no references are specified, it will match any Asset with no references.
If a reference value is null, it will match any Asset without that reference key.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetAdvanceds | Array.<AssetAdvanced> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
references | Object.<string, string> | The reference string given as input. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetAdvanceds": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "id": number, "odometer": number, "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "references": { string: string }, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The references is not an object, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/advanceds ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if the Asset.labels matches all of the given labels.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | required | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetAdvanceds | Array.<AssetAdvanced> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
labels | Array.<string> | The labels given as input. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetAdvanceds": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "id": number, "odometer": number, "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "labels": [ string ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The labels is not an array. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/dispatches ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetDispatches | Array.<AssetDispatch> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetDispatches": [ { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/dispatches ?{keys=values} ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number&{keys=values}
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if one of the specified Asset.references fields match.
If no references are specified, it will match any Asset with no references.
If a reference value is null, it will match any Asset without that reference key.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetDispatches | Array.<AssetDispatch> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
references | Object.<string, string> | The reference string given as input. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetDispatches": [ { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "references": { string: string }, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The references is not an object, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/dispatches ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if the Asset.labels matches all of the given labels.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | required | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetDispatches | Array.<AssetDispatch> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
labels | Array.<string> | The labels given as input. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetDispatches": [ { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "labels": [ string ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The labels is not an array. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/generals ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetGenerals | Array.<AssetGeneral> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetGenerals": [ { "company": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "pictures": [ number ], "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/generals ?{keys=values} ?includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number&{keys=values}
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if one of the specified Asset.references fields match.
If no references are specified, it will match any Asset with no references.
If a reference value is null, it will match any Asset without that reference key.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetGenerals | Array.<AssetGeneral> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
references | Object.<string, string> | The reference string given as input. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetGenerals": [ { "company": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "pictures": [ number ], "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "references": { string: string }, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The references is not an object, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets/generals ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if the Asset.labels matches all of the given labels.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
labels | string | required | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assetGenerals | Array.<AssetGeneral> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
labels | Array.<string> | The labels given as input. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assetGenerals": [ { "company": number, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "pictures": [ number ], "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "labels": [ string ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The labels is not an array. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets ?labels={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if the Asset.labels matches all of the given labels.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return AssetMessages for the asset. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return the DispatchTasks for the asset. |
labels | string | required | Labels to match the DispatchJob. | |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assets | Array.<Asset> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
labels | Array.<string> | The labels given as input. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assets": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "dispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messages": [ { "asset": number, "body": string, "company": number, "delivered": string, "folder": string, "from": string, "id": number, "incoming": boolean, "kind": string, "processed": string, "processedUtc": string, "readBy": string, "status": string, "subject": string, "to": string, "updated": { }, "user": string, "v": [ number ] } ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "labels": [ string ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The labels is not an array. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/assets ?reference={string} &includeSuspended=boolean &includeMessages=boolean &includeTasks=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of Assets for the specified Company only if one of the specified Asset.references fields match.
If no references are specified, it will match any Asset with no references.
If a reference value is null, it will match any Asset without that reference key.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. | |
includeMessages | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return AssetMessages for the asset. |
includeSuspended | boolean | optional | true | When true (default), the command will also return Assets marked as Asset.suspended. |
includeTasks | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return the DispatchTasks for the asset. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
reference | string | required | Value to search in the asset.reference["Reference"] field |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
assets | Array.<Asset> | The list of requested Assets. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Assets belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
references | Object.<string, string> | The reference string given as input. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "assets": [ { "attributes": { string: { "asset": number, "complex": string, "dts": string, "global": boolean, "name": string, "provider": string, "raw": Object, "simple": string, "unit": string } }, "company": number, "dispatch": { "company": number, "directions": [ { "directions": [ { /* recursive DispatchDirection objects */ } ], "distance": number, "duration": string, "instructions": string, "job": number, "path": string, "step": number } ], "id": number, "jobs": [ number ], "lastDispatched": string, "processedUtc": string, "tasks": [ { "address": string, "arrived": string, "asset": number, "attachments": [ number ], "company": number, "completed": string, "created": string, "duration": string, "eta": string, "id": number, "instructions": string, "latlng": { "lat": number, "lng": number }, "name": string, "notes": string, "place": number, "processedUtc": string, "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "signatory": string, "signature": boolean, "status": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "icon": number, "id": number, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "messages": [ { "asset": number, "body": string, "company": number, "delivered": string, "folder": string, "from": string, "id": number, "incoming": boolean, "kind": string, "processed": string, "processedUtc": string, "readBy": string, "status": string, "subject": string, "to": string, "updated": { }, "user": string, "v": [ number ] } ], "messagingAddress": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "odometer": number, "pictures": [ number ], "places": { string: { "enter": string, "kind": string, "latest": string } }, "position": { "accuracy": number, "address": string, "altitude": number, "bearing": number, "dts": string, "lat": number, "lng": number, "origin": string, "speed": number, "speedLimit": number, "streetAddress": { "city": string, "country": string, "isToll": boolean, "number": string, "postal": string, "province": string, "region": string, "street": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "providers": [ string ], "reference": string, "references": { string: string }, "relationships": [ number ], "tags": [ string ], "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "references": { string: string }, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The references is not an object, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view any Assets for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/behaviours ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/behaviours/.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Creates a new or updates an existing Behaviour.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviour | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the Behaviour parameters. |
behaviour | uint64? | create | |
behaviour | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the assets which will embed this Behaviour in their execution context. |
behaviour | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the Behaviour you want to update. |
behaviour | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the Behaviour. |
behaviour | string | optional | Notes for the Behaviour. |
behaviour | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | optional | The values needed to implement the script. Each key in this object is the name of a required script argument. |
behaviour | byte? | optional | The order in which this Behaviour is executed. |
behaviour | uint64? | create | Identifier of the BehaviourScript to which this Behaviour belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
behaviour | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the providers which can implement this Behaviour. |
behaviour | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "filters": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "priority": number, "script": number, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespIdScript | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "script" keys when there is no error. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the script to which this object belongs. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "id": number, "script": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the behaviour object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a script was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the id was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the name was given as blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | The targets was given as null or blank. The targets must always have a value, or you can not send the targets key. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviour.parameters was invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviour.parameters keys was blank or white-space. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new Behaviour. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this Behaviour. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | During update: The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 26 | During update: The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 130 | There is one or more missing or invalid parameters required by the BehaviourScript. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the behaviour.script can not be changed. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the can not be changed. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
Deletes a Behaviour.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Behaviour's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Behaviour. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/behaviours/{behaviourId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | Behaviour | The requested Behaviour. |
behaviour | uint64 see: | The company to which this behaviour belongs. |
behaviour | expression | A search pattern used to filter the providers which can implement this behaviour. |
behaviour | uint64 | Unique identifier of this behaviour. |
behaviour | string maximum-length: 100 | The name of this behaviour. |
behaviour | string | Notes. |
behaviour | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | The list of defined variable name/value pairs for the script requires. |
behaviour | byte | The priority flag allows you to define an execution order for all behaviours for a provider. |
behaviour | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
behaviour | uint64 see: | The script which this behaviour implements. |
behaviour | expression | The search pattern used to target the assets which will embed this behaviour in their execution context. |
behaviour | by: login, from: monster | |
behaviour | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "filters": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "priority": number, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Behaviour. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates a new or updates an existing Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviour | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the Behaviour parameters. |
behaviour | uint64? | create | |
behaviour | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the assets which will embed this Behaviour in their execution context. |
behaviour | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the Behaviour you want to update. |
behaviour | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the Behaviour. |
behaviour | string | optional | Notes for the Behaviour. |
behaviour | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | optional | The values needed to implement the script. Each key in this object is the name of a required script argument. |
behaviour | byte? | optional | The order in which this Behaviour is executed. |
behaviour | uint64? | create | Identifier of the BehaviourScript to which this Behaviour belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
behaviour | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the providers which can implement this Behaviour. |
behaviour | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "filters": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "priority": number, "script": number, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespIdScript | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "script" keys when there is no error. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the script to which this object belongs. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "id": number, "script": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the behaviour object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a script was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new Behaviour, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the id was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the name was given as blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | The targets was given as null or blank. The targets must always have a value, or you can not send the targets key. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviour.parameters was invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviour.parameters keys was blank or white-space. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new Behaviour. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this Behaviour. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | During update: The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 26 | During update: The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 130 | There is one or more missing or invalid parameters required by the BehaviourScript. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the behaviour.script can not be changed. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a Behaviour, the can not be changed. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
Deletes a Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Behaviour's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Behaviour. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/behaviours/{behaviourId}/logs ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BehaviourLog for the specified Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespIdScript | An object to contain the "id" of the Behaviour to which the array of BehaviourLogs belong. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the script to which this object belongs. |
behaviourLogs | Array.<BehaviourLog> | The list of requested BehaviourLogs. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "id": number, "script": number }, "behaviourLogs": [ { "asset": number, "behaviour": number, "character": number, "company": number, "dts": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "line": number, "message": string, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourLogs for this Behaviour. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view Behaviours for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
Gets the list of BehaviourLogs for the specified Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespIdScript | An object to contain the "id" of the Behaviour to which the array of BehaviourLogs belong. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the script to which this object belongs. |
count | int32 | The total number of behaviour logs cleared. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "id": number, "script": number }, "count": number, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourLogs for this Behaviour. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to clear Behaviours for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores a deleted Behaviour.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Behaviour. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviour | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" key. |
behaviour | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviour": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviour | RespDeleted | An object which contains the Behaviour's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviour | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviour | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviour | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviour | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviour": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviour object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviour object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to restore this Behaviour. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 26 | The Behaviour was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 27 | The Behaviour was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
GET/behaviours/logs ?asset={uint64} &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BehaviourLogs for the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
asset | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset to which the array of BehaviourLogs relates. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviourLogs | Array.<BehaviourLog> | The list of requested BehaviourLogs. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number }, "behaviourLogs": [ { "asset": number, "behaviour": number, "character": number, "company": number, "dts": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "line": number, "message": string, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourLogs for this Asset's Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
DELETE/behaviours/logs ?asset={uint64}
Gets the list of BehaviourLogs for the specified Asset.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
asset | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Asset. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
asset | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the Asset to which the array of BehaviourLogs relates. |
asset | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
asset | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
count | int32 | The total number of behaviour logs cleared. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "asset": { "company": number, "id": number }, "count": number, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a asset object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The asset object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Asset. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to clear Behaviours for this Asset. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 20 | The Asset was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/behaviours/scripts ?tree=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/behaviours/scripts?tree=true.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
highest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the maximum id when listing from the database. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects in this response. | |
lowest | uint64 | optional | When using , sets the minimum id when listing from the database. | |
tree | boolean | optional | true | Defaults to true for this alias. |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Creates a new or updates an existing BehaviourScript.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourScript | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BehaviourScript parameters. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | create | Identifier of the Company to which this BehaviourScript belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Background and fill colour in the UI. |
behaviourScript | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the providers. |
behaviourScript | boolean | optional | When set to true, this Company as well as all child companies will be able to implement this BehaviourScript for that companies assets. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | The name of the symbol shown in the UI. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the BehaviourScript you want to update. |
behaviourScript | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Notes for the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | optional | The defined arguments for this BehaviourScript. Each key in the object is the name of an argument. |
behaviourScript | string | create | Source code of the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Text and outline colour in the UI. |
behaviourScript | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "fill": string, "filters": string, "global": boolean, "graphic": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "source": string, "stroke": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id" and "company" keys when there is no error. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the behaviourScript object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, the source was not given, or it is blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the id was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the name was given as blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters default values' was not valid. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters was invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters keys was blank or white-space. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new BehaviourScript. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this BehaviourScript. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | During update: The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 25 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript which is marked as global, but is being set as private, but is implemented by Behaviours from child companies.. Returns an ErrorDetailCount as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BehaviourScript.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BehaviourScript's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviourScript | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this BehaviourScript. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 25 | This BehaviourScript is still being used by one of more Behaviours. Returns an ErrorDetailCount as the errorDetails . |
GET/behaviours/scripts/{scriptId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
scriptId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | BehaviourScript | The requested BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | uint64 see: | The company to which this script belongs. |
behaviourScript | boolean | Flag set by the compiler if this code compiles |
behaviourScript | colour maximum-length: 22 | The background colour given to this script for easy visual identification. |
behaviourScript | expression | A list of targeting expressions. These expressions are defaults for derived Behaviours. |
behaviourScript | boolean | Indicates whether this script is available to child companies. |
behaviourScript | codified maximum-length: 22 | The codified graphic name given to this script for easy visual identification. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Unique identifier of this script. |
behaviourScript | string maximum-length: 100 | The nickname given to this script. |
behaviourScript | string | Usage notes and instructions for users on how best to setup this script. |
behaviourScript | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | Listed parameters for the Behaviour function. |
behaviourScript | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
behaviourScript | string maximum-length: 8060 | The source code. |
behaviourScript | colour maximum-length: 22 | The text/graphic colour given to this script for easy visual identification. |
behaviourScript | by: login, from: monster | |
behaviourScript | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "compiles": boolean, "fill": string, "filters": string, "global": boolean, "graphic": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "source": string, "stroke": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this BehaviourScript. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates a new or updates an existing BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
scriptId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourScript | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BehaviourScript parameters. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | create | Identifier of the Company to which this BehaviourScript belongs. After creation, this value is read-only. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Background and fill colour in the UI. |
behaviourScript | expression | optional | A search pattern used to select the providers. |
behaviourScript | boolean | optional | When set to true, this Company as well as all child companies will be able to implement this BehaviourScript for that companies assets. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | The name of the symbol shown in the UI. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | update | The unique identifier of the BehaviourScript you want to update. |
behaviourScript | string maximum-length: 100 | create | Name for the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Notes for the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | Object.<string, BehaviourParameter> | optional | The defined arguments for this BehaviourScript. Each key in the object is the name of an argument. |
behaviourScript | string | create | Source code of the BehaviourScript. |
behaviourScript | string | optional | Text and outline colour in the UI. |
behaviourScript | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "fill": string, "filters": string, "global": boolean, "graphic": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "source": string, "stroke": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id" and "company" keys when there is no error. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the behaviourScript object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, a company was not given. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BehaviourScript, the source was not given, or it is blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the id was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the name was given as blank. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters default values' was not valid. Returns an ErrorDetailBadKeys as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters was invalid. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
400 | 3 | One of the behaviourScript.parameters keys was blank or white-space. Returns an ErrorDetailInput as the errorDetails . |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to create a new BehaviourScript. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to update this BehaviourScript. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, an incorrect v value was given as input. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | During update: The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 25 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript which is marked as global, but is being set as private, but is implemented by Behaviours from child companies.. Returns an ErrorDetailCount as the errorDetails . |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BehaviourScript, the can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
scriptId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BehaviourScript's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviourScript | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this BehaviourScript. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 25 | This BehaviourScript is still being used by one of more Behaviours. Returns an ErrorDetailCount as the errorDetails . |
GET/behaviours/scripts/{scriptId}/logs ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BehaviourLogs for the specified BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
scriptId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourLogs | Array.<BehaviourLog> | The list of requested BehaviourLogs. |
behaviourScript | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the BehaviourScript to which the array of BehaviourLogs belong. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourLogs": [ { "asset": number, "behaviour": number, "character": number, "company": number, "dts": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "line": number, "message": string, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourLogs for the BehaviourScript's Company. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourScripts for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
Gets the list of BehaviourLogs for the specified BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
scriptId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the BehaviourScript to which the array of BehaviourLogs belong. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
count | int32 | The total number of behaviour logs cleared. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "id": number }, "count": number, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourLogs for the BehaviourScript's Company. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to clear behaviours for this BehaviourScript. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores the specified BehaviourScript.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
scriptId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
behaviourScript | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" key. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScript | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BehaviourScript's id, owning Company id, and deleted status. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
behaviourScript | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to restore this BehaviourScript. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 24 | The BehaviourScript was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
GET/behaviours ?script={uint64} &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
script | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BehaviourScript. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviours | Array.<Behaviour> | The list of reqested Behaviours. |
behaviourScript | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Behaviours belong. |
behaviourScript | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
behaviourScript | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviours": [ { "company": number, "filters": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "priority": number, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "behaviourScript": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a behaviourScript object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The behaviourScript object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view Behaviours for this Company. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourScripts for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 23 | The BehaviourScript was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/behaviours ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company. |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviours | Array.<Behaviour> | The list of reqested Behaviours. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of Behaviours belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviours": [ { "company": number, "filters": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "priority": number, "processedUtc": string, "script": number, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view Behaviours for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/companies/{companyId}/behaviours/scripts ?tree=boolean &includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BehaviourScripts for the specified Company.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
companyId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the Company | |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. | |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. | |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. | |
tree | boolean | optional | true | When true (default) the getter to retrieve the given Company's list of BehaviourScripts as well as any publicly available BehaviourScripts for the Company's parent(s). |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
behaviourScripts | Array.<BehaviourScript> | The list of requested BehaviourScripts. |
company | RespId | An object to contain the "id" of the Company to which the array of BehaviourScripts belong. |
company | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "behaviourScripts": [ { "company": number, "compiles": boolean, "fill": string, "filters": string, "global": boolean, "graphic": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "parameters": { string: { "context": string, "notes": string, "type": string, "value": string } }, "processedUtc": string, "source": string, "stroke": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "company": { "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a company object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The company object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view BehaviourScripts for this Company. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/billing/profiles.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillingProfile.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
billingProfile | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillingProfile parameters. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company receiving the bill. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company that owns this BillingProfile and is sending the bill. |
billingProfile | BillingCurrency? | optional | Kind of money. |
billingProfile | BillingCycle? | optional | Repeating cycle used for generating bills. |
billingProfile | datetime | optional | When should the cycle end (customer cancelled); null means it never ends. |
billingProfile | boolean | optional | Pro-rated, or post-dated. |
billingProfile | datetime | optional | When is the first day of the billing cycle. |
billingProfile | boolean | optional | Are the Google services available to be proxied by the service? |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile you want to update. |
billingProfile | Array.<BillableSmsProfile> | optional | SMS messaging tiers. |
billingProfile | string | optional | Name for the BillingProfile |
billingProfile | string | optional | Notes about the BillingProfile for the billee or target. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company to which this rule pertains. |
billingProfile | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "billingProfile": { "billee": number, "company": number, "currency": string, "cycle": string, "cycleEnd": string, "cyclePostDated": boolean, "cycleStart": string, "googleServicesEnabled": boolean, "id": number, "messages": [ { "amount": number, "limit": number } ], "name": string, "notes": string, "target": number, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the billingProfile object. |
400 | 3 | The messages are invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycle is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The currency is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycleStart date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycleEnd date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, kind is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, company is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, target is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, billee is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the v was invalid. |
401 | 5 | During create: You do not have permission to create new BillingProfile. |
401 | 5 | During update: You do not have permission to update BillingProfile. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The company was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 28 | The target was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 28 | The billee was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BillingProfile.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingProfile's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingProfile | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillingProfile was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingProfile id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillingProfiles. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/{profileId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | BillingProfile | The requested BillingProfile. |
billingProfile | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company receiving the bill. Most of the time, this value is the same as the target. |
billingProfile | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company that owns this profile and is sending the bill. |
billingProfile | BillingCurrency | kind of money |
billingProfile | BillingCycle | Repeating cycle used for generating bills |
billingProfile | datetime | When should the cycle end (customer cancelled) |
billingProfile | boolean | Pro-rated, or post-dated. |
billingProfile | datetime | When is the first day of the billing cycle |
billingProfile | boolean | Are the Google services available to be proxied by the service? |
billingProfile | uint64 | Unique identifier of this billing profile |
billingProfile | Array.<BillableSmsProfile> | SMS messaging tiers |
billingProfile | string maximum-length: 254 | The name for this profile |
billingProfile | string maximum-length: 1000 | Notes about the billing profile for the billee or target. |
billingProfile | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
billingProfile | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company to which this rule pertains. |
billingProfile | by: login, from: monster | |
billingProfile | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "billee": number, "company": number, "currency": string, "cycle": string, "cycleEnd": string, "cyclePostDated": boolean, "cycleStart": string, "googleServicesEnabled": boolean, "id": number, "messages": [ { "amount": number, "limit": number } ], "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "target": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingProfile id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillingProfiles. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
profileId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
billingProfile | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillingProfile parameters. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company receiving the bill. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company that owns this BillingProfile and is sending the bill. |
billingProfile | BillingCurrency? | optional | Kind of money. |
billingProfile | BillingCycle? | optional | Repeating cycle used for generating bills. |
billingProfile | datetime | optional | When should the cycle end (customer cancelled); null means it never ends. |
billingProfile | boolean | optional | Pro-rated, or post-dated. |
billingProfile | datetime | optional | When is the first day of the billing cycle. |
billingProfile | boolean | optional | Are the Google services available to be proxied by the service? |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile you want to update. |
billingProfile | Array.<BillableSmsProfile> | optional | SMS messaging tiers. |
billingProfile | string | optional | Name for the BillingProfile |
billingProfile | string | optional | Notes about the BillingProfile for the billee or target. |
billingProfile | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the Company to which this rule pertains. |
billingProfile | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "billingProfile": { "billee": number, "company": number, "currency": string, "cycle": string, "cycleEnd": string, "cyclePostDated": boolean, "cycleStart": string, "googleServicesEnabled": boolean, "id": number, "messages": [ { "amount": number, "limit": number } ], "name": string, "notes": string, "target": number, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespIdCompany | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the billingProfile object. |
400 | 3 | The messages are invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycle is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The currency is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycleStart date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The cycleEnd date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, kind is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, company is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, target is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillingProfile, billee is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the v was invalid. |
401 | 5 | During create: You do not have permission to create new BillingProfile. |
401 | 5 | During update: You do not have permission to update BillingProfile. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The company was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 28 | The target was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 28 | The billee was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BillingProfile, the can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingProfile's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingProfile | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillingProfile was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingProfile id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillingProfiles. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/{profileId}/licenses ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BillableHostingLicenses for the specified BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the BillingProfile to which the array of BillableHostingLicenses belong. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicenses | Array.<BillableHostingLicense> | The list of BillableHostingLicenses. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicenses": [ { "amount": number, "company": number, "end": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "sku": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The billingProfile object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/{profileId}/reports ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &after=string &before=string
Gets the list of BillingReports for the specified BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
after | datetime | optional | When using , sets the earliest objects (by dts) to retrieve from the archive. |
before | datetime | optional | When using , sets the most recent objects (by dts) to retrieve from the archive. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the BillingProfile to which the array of BillableHostingRules belong. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingReports | Array.<BillingReport> | The list of requested BillingReports. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "id": number }, "billingReports": [ { "billee": number, "breakdown": [ { "licenses": [ { "billableDays": number, "cost": number, "created": string, "deleted": string, "firmware": string, "kind": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "phoneNumber": number, "provider": string, "total": number } ], "services": [ { "asset": number, "billableDays": number, "cost": number, "created": string, "deleted": string, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "name": string, "notes": string, "phoneNumbers": [ number ], "providers": [ string ], "restored": string, "revived": string, "suspended": string, "suspendedCost": number, "suspendedDays": number, "total": number, "updatedDts": string } ], "target": number } ], "company": number, "currency": string, "endDate": string, "error": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "startDate": string, "status": string, "summary": [ { "hosting": [ { "cost": number, "count": number, "sku": string, "total": number } ], "name": string, "notes": string, "parent": number, "target": number } ], "total": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The billingProfile object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillingReports. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores the specified BillingProfile to its previous version.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
billingProfile | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the BillingProfile. |
billingProfile | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "billingProfile": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingProfile's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingProfile | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingProfile id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to restore BillingProfiles. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 112 | The BillingProfile was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
GET/billing/profiles/{profileId}/rules ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &lowest=number &highest=number
Gets the list of BillableHostingRule for the specified BillingProfile.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
highest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the largest valued id objects to retrieve. |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true, the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16? | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. |
lowest | uint64? | optional | When using , sets the smallest valued id objects to retrieve. |
profileId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingProfile. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingProfile | RespIdCompany | An object to contain the "id" of the BillingProfile to which the array of BillableHostingRules belong. |
billingProfile | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingProfile | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingRules | Array.<BillableHostingRule> | The list of requested BillableHostingRules. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingProfile": { "company": number, "id": number }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingRules": [ { "amount": number, "company": number, "end": string, "id": number, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "service": string, "sku": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] } ], "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingProfile object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The billingProfile object does not contain an id, or it is invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillableHostingRules. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 28 | The Company was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillableHostingLicense.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hostingLicense | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillableHostingLicense parameters. |
hostingLicense | double? | optional | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingLicense | datetime | optional | Date this BillableHostingLicense is applied until; null means it never ends. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | update | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense you want to update. |
hostingLicense | BillableLicenseType? | create | The type of hardware BillableLicenseType. |
hostingLicense | uint32? | optional | The number of units to which this BillableHostingLicense applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingLicense | string | create | Name for the BillableHostingLicense |
hostingLicense | string | optional | Notes about the BillableHostingLicense. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | create | Unique identifier of this BillableHostingLicense's BillingProfile. |
hostingLicense | string | optional | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingLicense | datetime | optional | Date this BillableHostingLicense takes effect. |
hostingLicense | boolean | optional | Does this BillableHostingLicense apply to suspended resources |
hostingLicense | expression | optional | Which assets are targetted by this BillableHostingLicense |
hostingLicense | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "hostingLicense": { "amount": number, "end": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | RespIdBillingProfile | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the BillingProfile to which this object belongs |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "company": number, "id": number, "profile": number }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the hostingLicense object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, kind is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, profile is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the v was invalid. |
401 | 5 | During create: You do not have permission to create new BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 5 | During update: You do not have permission to update BillableHostingLicenses. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
404 | 117 | During update: The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the hostingLicense.profile can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BillableHostingLicense.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillableHostingLicense's unique identifier and deleted status. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingLicense | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingLicense | Array.<uint32> | |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillableHostingLicense was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingLicense id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 117 | The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/licenses/{licenseId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified BillableHostingLicense.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
licenseId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | BillableHostingLicense | The requested BillableHostingLicense. |
hostingLicense | double | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingLicense | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company that owns this hosting rule. |
hostingLicense | datetime | Date this billing rule is applied until; null means it never ends. These dates are used to determine how much of the cycle is billed. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Unique identifier of this hosting rule. |
hostingLicense | BillableLicenseType | The type of hardware license |
hostingLicense | uint32? | The number of units to which this billing rule applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingLicense | string maximum-length: 254 | The name of this billing rule. |
hostingLicense | string | Notes about billing this rule. |
hostingLicense | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
hostingLicense | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this rule's billing profile. |
hostingLicense | string maximum-length: 100 | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingLicense | string maximum-length: 20 | SKU or SOC code |
hostingLicense | datetime | Date this billing rule takes effect. These dates are used to determine how much of the cycle is billed. |
hostingLicense | boolean | Does this hosting rule apply to suspended resources |
hostingLicense | expression | Which assets are targeted by this hosting rule |
hostingLicense | by: login, from: monster | |
hostingLicense | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "amount": number, "company": number, "end": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "sku": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingLicense id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 117 | The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillableHostingLicense.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
licenseId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hostingLicense | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillableHostingLicense parameters. |
hostingLicense | double? | optional | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingLicense | datetime | optional | Date this BillableHostingLicense is applied until; null means it never ends. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | update | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense you want to update. |
hostingLicense | BillableLicenseType? | create | The type of hardware BillableLicenseType. |
hostingLicense | uint32? | optional | The number of units to which this BillableHostingLicense applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingLicense | string | create | Name for the BillableHostingLicense |
hostingLicense | string | optional | Notes about the BillableHostingLicense. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | create | Unique identifier of this BillableHostingLicense's BillingProfile. |
hostingLicense | string | optional | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingLicense | datetime | optional | Date this BillableHostingLicense takes effect. |
hostingLicense | boolean | optional | Does this BillableHostingLicense apply to suspended resources |
hostingLicense | expression | optional | Which assets are targetted by this BillableHostingLicense |
hostingLicense | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "hostingLicense": { "amount": number, "end": string, "id": number, "kind": string, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | RespIdBillingProfile | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the BillingProfile to which this object belongs |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "company": number, "id": number, "profile": number }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the hostingLicense object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, kind is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingLicense, profile is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the v was invalid. |
401 | 5 | During create: You do not have permission to create new BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 5 | During update: You do not have permission to update BillableHostingLicenses. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
404 | 117 | During update: The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingLicense, the hostingLicense.profile can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BillableHostingLicense.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
licenseId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillableHostingLicense's unique identifier and deleted status. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingLicense | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingLicense | Array.<uint32> | |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillableHostingLicense was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingLicense id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 117 | The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores the specified BillableHostingLicense to its previous version.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
licenseId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingLicense. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hostingLicense | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the BillableHostingLicense. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "hostingLicense": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingLicense | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillableHostingLicense's unique identifier and deleted status. |
hostingLicense | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingLicense | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
hostingLicense | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingLicense | Array.<uint32> | |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingLicense": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingLicense object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingLicense id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete BillableHostingLicenses. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 117 | The BillableHostingLicense was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 118 | The BillableHostingLicense was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
GET/billing/profiles/reports ?includeDeleted=boolean &includeArchive=boolean &limit=number &after=string &before=string
This request is an alias of /companies/{your-company-id}/billing/profiles/reports.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
after | datetime | optional | When using , sets the earliest objects (by dts) to retrieve from the archive. | |
before | datetime | optional | When using , sets the most recent objects (by dts) to retrieve from the archive. | |
includeArchive | boolean | optional | false | Same as by default, when true the command will also return archived objects. |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | false | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
limit | uint16 | optional | When using , sets the maximum number of objects retrieved from the archive. | |
your-company-id | uint64 | aliased | {your-company-id} | Your own Company's identifier. |
Deletes an existing BillingReport.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingReport | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingReport's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingReport | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingReport | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingReport | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingReport | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingReport": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillingReport was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingReport object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingReport id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillingReports. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 119 | The BillingReport was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/reports/{reportId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified BillingReport.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
reportId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingReport. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingReport | BillingReport | The requested BillingReport. |
billingReport | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company receiving the bill. |
billingReport | Array.<BillingReportBreakdown> | Individual amounts per company, used to calculate the results of the report. |
billingReport | uint64 see: | The company to which this report belongs and is sending the bill. |
billingReport | BillingCurrency | Currency being billed in |
billingReport | datetime | Last day of the billing cycle |
billingReport | string see: BillingReportStatus maximum-length: 250 | A field which contains report error details if the BillingReport.status is BillingReportStatus.failed. |
billingReport | uint64 | Unique identifier |
billingReport | string maximum-length: 100 | Name of this report. |
billingReport | string | Notes about this report. |
billingReport | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
billingReport | uint64 see: | The profile to which this report belongs |
billingReport | datetime | First day of the billing cycle |
billingReport | BillingReportStatus | The processing status of this report. |
billingReport | Array.<BillingReportSummary> | Summary contains totals per target for this billee |
billingReport | double | Total amount being billed. |
billingReport | by: login, from: monster | |
billingReport | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingReport": { "billee": number, "breakdown": [ { "licenses": [ { "billableDays": number, "cost": number, "created": string, "deleted": string, "firmware": string, "kind": string, "name": string, "notes": string, "phoneNumber": number, "provider": string, "total": number } ], "services": [ { "asset": number, "billableDays": number, "cost": number, "created": string, "deleted": string, "kind": string, "labels": [ string ], "name": string, "notes": string, "phoneNumbers": [ number ], "providers": [ string ], "restored": string, "revived": string, "suspended": string, "suspendedCost": number, "suspendedDays": number, "total": number, "updatedDts": string } ], "target": number } ], "company": number, "currency": string, "endDate": string, "error": string, "id": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "startDate": string, "status": string, "summary": [ { "hosting": [ { "cost": number, "count": number, "sku": string, "total": number } ], "name": string, "notes": string, "parent": number, "target": number } ], "total": number, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingReport object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingReport id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillingReports. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 119 | The BillingReport was not found by its unique identifier. |
Deletes an existing BillingReport.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
reportId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingReport. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingReport | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingReport's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingReport | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingReport | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingReport | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingReport | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingReport": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillingReport was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingReport object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingReport id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillingReports. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 119 | The BillingReport was not found by its unique identifier. |
Restores the specified BillingReport to its previous version.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
reportId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillingReport. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
billingReport | ParamId | always | An object to contain the "id" of the BillingReport. |
billingReport | uint64 | always | Identifier given as input for the command. |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "billingReport": { "id": number }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
billingReport | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillingReport's unique identifier and deleted status. |
billingReport | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
billingReport | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
billingReport | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
billingReport | Array.<uint32> | |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "billingReport": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a billingReport object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested billingReport id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to restore BillingReports. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 119 | The BillingReport was not found by its unique identifier. |
400 | 120 | The BillingReport was found, but is not marked as deleted. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillableHostingRule.
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hostingRule | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillableHostingRule parameters. |
hostingRule | double? | optional | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingRule | datetime | create | Date this BillableHostingRule is applied until; null means it never ends. |
hostingRule | uint64? | update | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingRule you want to update. |
hostingRule | uint32? | optional | The number of units to which this BillableHostingRule applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingRule | string | create | Name for the BillableHostingRule |
hostingRule | string | optional | Notes about the BillableHostingRule. |
hostingRule | uint64? | create | Unique identifier of this BillableHostingRule's BillingProfile. |
hostingRule | string | optional | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingRule | BillableHostingType? | create | The type of service being billed. |
hostingRule | datetime | create | Date this BillableHostingRule takes effect. |
hostingRule | boolean | optional | Does this BillableHostingRule apply to suspended resources |
hostingRule | expression | optional | Which assets are targetted by this BillableHostingRule |
hostingRule | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "hostingRule": { "amount": number, "end": string, "id": number, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "service": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingRule | RespIdBillingProfile | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingRule | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Identifier of the BillingProfile to which this object belongs |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingRule": { "company": number, "id": number, "profile": number }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingRule object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the hostingRule object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, profile is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, service is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingRule, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingRule, the v was invalid. |
401 | 5 | During create: You do not have permission to create new BillableHostingRules. |
401 | 5 | During update: You do not have permission to update BillableHostingRules. |
400 | 6 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingRule, the v was not an array, or contained too few numbers. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 111 | The BillingProfile was not found by its unique identifier. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
404 | 113 | During update: The BillableHostingRule was not found by its unique identifier. |
409 | 130 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingRule, the hostingRule.profile can not be changed. |
Deletes an existing BillableHostingRule.
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingRule | RespDeleted | An object which contains the BillableHostingRule's unique identifier and deleted status. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingRule | boolean | Flag showing if the object is deleted. |
hostingRule | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingRule | Array.<uint32> | |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingRule": { "company": number, "deleted": boolean, "id": number, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred, the BillableHostingRule was not deleted. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingRule object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingRule id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to delete this Company's BillableHostingRules. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 113 | The BillableHostingRule was not found by its unique identifier. |
GET/billing/profiles/rules/{ruleId} ?includeDeleted=boolean
Gets details of the specified BillableHostingRule.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
includeDeleted | boolean | optional | False by default, but when true the command will also return deleted objects. |
ruleId | uint64 | required | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingRule. |
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingRule | BillableHostingRule | The requested BillableHostingRule. |
hostingRule | double | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingRule | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of the Company that owns this hosting rule. |
hostingRule | datetime | Date this billing rule is applied until; null means it never ends. These dates are used to determine how much of the cycle is billed. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Unique identifier of this hosting rule. |
hostingRule | uint32? | The number of units to which this billing rule applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingRule | string maximum-length: 254 | The name of this billing rule. |
hostingRule | string | Notes about billing this rule. |
hostingRule | datetime | When the was change procesed. |
hostingRule | uint64 see: | Unique identifier of this rule's billing profile. |
hostingRule | string maximum-length: 100 | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingRule | BillableHostingType | The type of service being billed. |
hostingRule | string maximum-length: 20 | SKU or SOC code |
hostingRule | datetime | Date this billing rule takes effect. These dates are used to determine how much of the cycle is billed. |
hostingRule | boolean | Does this hosting rule apply to suspended resources |
hostingRule | expression | Which assets are targeted by this hosting rule |
hostingRule | by: login, from: monster | |
hostingRule | Array.<uint32> | Object version keys used to validate synchronization for all object properties. |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingRule": { "amount": number, "company": number, "end": string, "id": number, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "processedUtc": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "service": string, "sku": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "updated": { }, "v": [ number ] }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingRule object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | The requested hostingRule id was invalid. |
401 | 5 | You do not have permission to view this Company's BillableHostingRules. |
401 | 7 | You cannot execute this command because your session has expired. |
401 | 8 | You cannot execute this command because you are not logged in. |
403 | 16 | You cannot execute this command because your password has expired. |
404 | 113 | The BillableHostingRule was not found by its unique identifier. |
Creates new or updates an existing BillableHostingRule.
URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
ruleId | uint64? | optional | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingRule. This value is optional, and ignored by the command. |
HTTP Request body description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
hostingRule | Object.<string, ?> | always | A simple object to contain the BillableHostingRule parameters. |
hostingRule | double? | optional | Cost per cycle for this plan |
hostingRule | datetime | create | Date this BillableHostingRule is applied until; null means it never ends. |
hostingRule | uint64? | update | Unique identifier of the BillableHostingRule you want to update. |
hostingRule | uint32? | optional | The number of units to which this BillableHostingRule applies. Should be a non-zero value; null means unlimited |
hostingRule | string | create | Name for the BillableHostingRule |
hostingRule | string | optional | Notes about the BillableHostingRule. |
hostingRule | uint64? | create | Unique identifier of this BillableHostingRule's BillingProfile. |
hostingRule | string | optional | A custom field used to refer to an external system. Examples are a cost codes, SOCs, discount plans... |
hostingRule | BillableHostingType? | create | The type of service being billed. |
hostingRule | datetime | create | Date this BillableHostingRule takes effect. |
hostingRule | boolean | optional | Does this BillableHostingRule apply to suspended resources |
hostingRule | expression | optional | Which assets are targetted by this BillableHostingRule |
hostingRule | Array.<int32> | optional | |
reqId | int32? | optional | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
HTTP Request body structure
{ "hostingRule": { "amount": number, "end": string, "id": number, "limit": number, "name": string, "notes": string, "profile": number, "reference": string, "service": string, "start": string, "suspended": boolean, "targets": string, "v": [ number ] }, "reqId": number }
Response description
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | ErrorCode | The unique, numeric error code when processing this request. |
errorDetails | ErrorDetail | An object to provide developers with a hint about the nature of the error. The key is not always present, and only available for some errors. |
hostingRule | RespIdBillingProfile | An object which contains the "id", "company", and "profile" keys. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Identifier of the Company to which this object belongs. |
hostingRule | uint64? | Identifier given as input for the command. |
hostingRule | uint64 | Identifier of the BillingProfile to which this object belongs |
message | string | An English description of the error. |
reqId | int32? | Identifier used by external system to correlate requests to responses. |
Response structure
{ "errorCode": number, "errorDetails": { "kind": string }, "hostingRule": { "company": number, "id": number, "profile": number }, "message": string, "reqId": number }
Possible exceptions
HTTP Status | Error Code | Description |
500 | 2 | A communication error occurred. If you receive this error, please contact technical support. |
400 | 3 | The request does not contain a hostingRule object, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | Not enough keys exist in the hostingRule object. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, start date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, end date is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, a name was not given, or it is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, profile is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During create: When creating a new BillableHostingRule, service is invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a BillableHostingRule, the name was invalid. |
400 | 3 | During update: When updating a |